Town of Oxford Pool Restoration Project (2021-2022?)

The Oxford Town pool was constructed in 1976. Over the years, minor improvements had been made but time and weather has taken its toll on the facility. The Oxford Town Board decided to move forward with a pool improvement project.

Improvements would include adding a new liner to the existing pool, refurbishing the bathrooms, changing areas and guardhouse along with upgrading the filtration system.

These new updates helped to continue to provide daily swimming lessons to more than 125 children during the month of July, and over 9,000 patrons who use the facility each year. Many community members also use the pavilion on the premises for a variety of celebrations and sports teams have used the facility during preseason workouts. The Oxford Town Pool has also been a main employer for Oxford Academy students for over 45 years.

The “new” pool opened for the 2022 Summer season.

The project cost $650,000. PON helped to raise $500,000 from community donations. All donations went directly to the Oxford Community Pool.